Saturday, May 17, 2008


As promised, this is the newest addition to our clinic's "Jungle Room" or as we usually refer to it, the "Monkey Room".
The entire scene.

The scene painted two years ago on the opposite wall.
This is what I spent two days last week working on while the Nurse Practitioner was out. I've been posting a lot of photos lately. Some might question that, but I am a creative, vision oriented person. Anyway, I thought those who know me personally, might enjoy seeing these.


LeLe said...

Your pictures are all off-centered. You might want to go in and see if you can line them up, maybe centered or something. I think some are overlapping. Your monkey is cute. Hannah would like it.

B Lines said...

Zat better?

Alice said...

That looks fantastic. You are a great artist. That didn't just take you two days, right????

Sooz said...

Those are fantastic! I can't even draw a good straight line.

B Lines said...

Thank you for the compliments! Well Alice, actually, I painted the tree and the tall grass one day in a couple of hours or less. Then I added the large monkey and the little monkey another day, in about the same amount of time. For the river, flowering plants, mountains, birds and elephants, it took about 6 hours (more or less) split between two days. I don't remember how long it took me to paint the original wall. It actually was a full wall, but the counter was installed after it was painted.

LeLe said...

Much better! Looks great. Hannah will love it when Mel brings her in to get weighed.

Michelle said...

LOVE IT! Totally awesome. This is why I want you to help me with a backdrop sometime in the near future. I'm thinking of a wintery backdrop with lots of snow covered pines....for Christmas!

B Lines said...

I'll be happy to help you Chelle. Just hollah at me.

LC said...

I think you should quit your job and advertise that you can paint children's rooms! Holy cow, I can't draw a straight line with a ruler! I have a paper cutter and can't even make a straight line with that!! This is amazing. It looks like a child's safari themed room from Extreme Home Makeover. Well done! I hope they gave you a tip, **wink, wink!