Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We interrupt this portion of the entertainment for this thought provoking question..... Does God honor half-hearted prayers? I have been so bogged down in things going on around me, and just trying to get through each week, that I find myself just tossing prayers up to Heaven. I'm asked to pray for people, and I do, and I care, but I only give it a quick shot and then I move on. Does God hear this and say, "Child, you aren't paying attention. You are only giving this lip service. Come back and try again later." ????? Or does He honor the fact that you actually made the effort to lift someone's name up to him in a rush? Not wanting to forget them, but not giving them a real space in your prayer time? I know we don't have to spend hours on our knees for God to hear us and answer. And I know we are supposed to be in constant prayer and that a quick thought to Him is worthy. But, is it worthy to just rush through something like a prayer request? Tell me your thoughts on this people. Inquiring minds want to know.


LeLe said...

That's a very good question and I do not have the answer. I don't even really have an opinion on that. I'd like to know myself...

Y said...

YES God hears, honors and answers all prayers. May not be the answer you want, but... the Devil would love nothing better than to make God's children believe only certain prayers are good enough. It's a trick, don't fall for it. This would make a great dinner table discussion or Bible study!!!

B Lines said...

Gee, thanks Y! I never thought of it that way. You rock!

Les said...

That's a great question! I have so many questions about prayer that I sometimes think I'll never truly understand it.

The only thing that I can think of is the example of the Lord's prayer. It was very short, yet very heartfelt. In addition, we are told in Mat.6:7-8 that we aren't heard based upon the number of words in our prayers; God knows what we need before we even ask.

Sooz said...

I think he hears and considers each and every prayer. If he picked a prayer by size then would he ever hear the tiny tots that say their prayers before bed time or would it matter what they said at the dinner table with "God is good, God is great...etc? . Or what about people who have disabilities? For example my good friend has a little girl who isn't able to speak clearly. She understands everything, but can't get it past her lips.
I think about this sort of thing a lot.

LoriM said...

I'll just add to what "y" said and say that God doesn't need our prayers, but He wants them so that we can build a relationship with Him. He is always in control no matter how disobedient or complacent we are. But we'll miss the blessing (and probably get a field trip to the woodshed, if you know what mean)if we don't take the time to stop and be still before Him. Just my 2 cents worth!