Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tis the Season?

It's that time of year again. The time when we all begin thinking about family gatherings, good food and fun. But, as everyone knows, the older a family gets, and the larger it becomes, the harder it is to plan get-togethers that everyone can attend. Impossible is the word that comes to my mind. My family has never done the same thing twice. Everyone else I know, has a set date and time for their traditional family gathering. Not us. I don't know if it is due to trying to accommodate others, or laziness, or just a "wait and see how it goes" attitude. But, right here, right now, I want to set a firm tradition. My immediate family, i.e. husband, son, daughter and son-in-law, will from this year forward, have our Christmas celebration on Christmas night. There. I did it. (Now, if extended family makes the same plan, I'm dead in the water.) The time may have to be shifted, but we will deal with that when it happens.

These times should be joyous and not stressful. Why do we make them so? We worry more about what we are going to do, what we are going to prepare and where we are going, than the reason we are doing it. We are so blessed in America, and we can't even enjoy this freedom we have, due to the "details" of it all. That's really sad. I bet the Heavenly Father just shakes His head at us. Maybe, as our new family tradition unfolds, we can reflect on the love of God and the blessing of family. We won't plan any big honking party, but a quiet, loving time of sharing. There was no big honking party when Christ was born. It was impressive just the same. The first Thanksgiving might have been a big party, but the food was simple, and the focus was not how many different dishes could be provided. They ate what they had and were THANKFUL for it.


Sooz said...

I completely agree. Fortunately my mom's family has a set tradition on Thanksgiving. It is at my mom's house and we invited her entire family that consist of well over 100 people. If you can make it great and if not that's great also. No matter what though her doors are open at Thanksgiving to anyone. I love it even though its overwhelming with that many folks in one house for dinner! So stand firm with your new traditions no matter who can or can't be there. It will catch on.

LeLe said...

Amen. I hate being stressed out over who's feelings I'm going to hurt if I can't make it to one because I had already made plans to go to another. Especially when Christmas is in the middle of the week this year and not on the weekend.

Alice said...

Preach it, Siesta!!!!

I feel the same, let's get back to the real reason for the season and stop all this craziness.

It should be a relaxing, reflecting time on how blessed we are.

~ Our Humble Cottage ~ said...

I have already told my children that I claim Christmas Eve. They all must gather at my home where I will shelter them and feed them and rejoice in having them there.

I know that it may be impossible but I figure that by choosing Christmas Eve every year then I have a good chance of all attending. I am selfish and I want all my grandbabies with me, together. It is the one big wish I have for my future, other than they all know Christ.

And you are right. We all must be thankful. I must learn this more myself as of late.

~ Mrs. Louisa Gabrielle ~