This is the view from the veranda of the Arlington Hotel. It's Central avenue and if you look to the left closely, you can see Bath House Row.
This gorgeous building in directly across the street from the hotel.
It was the Medical Towers building in its day. The art deco work on the corner of the doorways is unbelievable. It makes me want to get out a paintbrush!
This particular building seemed a touch out of place. I think it's more suited to the Eureka Springs area.
On to Bath House Row...
Looks to be operational as a bath house. Several others have been or are being converted into gift shops, museums, and other businesses.
We didn't go inside, but from the sidewalk we spotted beautiful stained glass ceilings.
This marker speaks for itself. The area is bare now, and it makes me wonder if they just set up in tents for the interim.
It's been turned into an art museum and we paid our $5.00 to go through. It was worth every penny, and we could take photos. Those will be in my next post.
As we walked down the tree shaded sidewalk in front of all these buildings, we discussed the reasoning behind there being no trash receptacles. Possibly to keep it beautiful, possibly to keep the homeless from setting up shop.
I didn't get all the names of every house, but here are a few other photos and wonderful workmanship on the buildings.
Thanks for coming along with us on this little trip. More to follow.