Thursday, February 23, 2012

Out Sssside!

Yesterday was like an early summer day instead of February. We were out in short sleeves and it was glorious.
My sad little flower bed was perked up a bit by a few clumps of Jonquils in bloom. That crystal is one SR picked up years ago. We plan to do some crystal hunting in a few days. I'm excited about it!

LMW enjoyed playing outside. Like all boys, he loves the outdoors and yells to out "sssside". He also loves playing in the back of Da's truck.

Mmmmm, dat mells gud.

Duz dis gumbawl mell gud too?

Hay! Iz anybodee in dere?

Hmmm, what dis for?

I loves to pay in Da's tuck.

What a great time we all had. Even though the bugs will be hard to deal with this summer, we are thankful for the blessing of mild winter days. I don't think the groundhog was thinking clearly when he saw his shadow...


Vroomans' Quilts said...

All that fresh air is going to make him grow more! We're hoping it will stay cold for a little longer so the fruit trees don't bud out too soon and then lose the crop. But it has been decent walking weather.

Y said...

Little Man is so cute! And, he's getting BIG!!!

rubyslipperz1052 said...

what a cutie! I wuv it when they talk in their own language...lucky him that he gets to play to his hearts content - outside =)


Judy Biggerstaff said...

Very cute picture of your boy and lovely Jonquils. I haven't seen any in bloom in my area. Thanks for sharing and for leaving a message on my blog.

Miss Hillbilly said...

Sounds like a perfect winter day! I am thankful for the mild winter too. I'll just stay away from the woods and the ticks this year!