Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's Official!

I appreciate all the suggestions for a beach getaway. Ultimately, Sister and I decided on Orange Beach, AL.  And last night.....I booked the hotel for three, count'em THREE nights! We will have a balcony with a view of the ocean and everything. I am beyond excited! We've been looking online at some activities and so far, have agreed to take a dolphin cruise. Most of our time will be spent on the beach though, just relaxing. It will be wonderful.

We've also been discussing a "bucket list". Maybe every other year, going on a sister excursion, someplace we've never been. Sure hope we can actually do it. For the in-between years, maybe go for a day trip to somewhere in Arkansas that we can reach, enjoy, and return the same day.

In other news....

*SR and I visited the newlyweds this afternoon. They seem to be fat and sassy (a southern expression.) 

*I'm in the home stretch of my dresser re-do. I pray I finish it by Friday or Saturday. I'm really tired of working on it, and tired of it period.

*I've still got quilts partially completed and really need to finish at least one of them! Maybe if that pesky dresser cooperates, I can.

*LMW is walking everywhere and asking to go outside frequently.  He has learned that Nanna always puts his hat on him when she takes him outside, so he will hand it to me and tell me "side!"

I hope you all have a great week!


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Sounds like an exciting time. Lots of things happening and all will fall into place. Just love little man's demand of 'side' with the hat - too cute.

Anonymous said...

speaking of your dresser redo, if you ever want to come spend a few weeks here, and redo my dresser, i'd pretty much love that. that's all.

Miss Hillbilly said...

Oh, you are going to have so much fun! When do you go?