Friday, January 8, 2010

Show of Hands

I've been thinking.....been thinking for a while now, about deleting my blog. Or ending it anyway. As far as I can tell, there aren't many folks out there interested, and seldom do I get a comment from more than the same two or three folks. So, as far as they are concerned, I can always just send email to those few folks with whatever I would have blogged.

At first, I was really into this blog thing. I would wake up at night thinking of things to blog about. Sometimes I would even get up and type it out, just so I wouldn't forget it. Now, I can hardly think of anything worth writing. It's like my creative writing bug has died with the winter cold. So, I'm seriously considering ending this.

I would like a show of hands. Anyone who thinks this is worth continuing can let it be known. I know there are probably lurkers out there who never comment, and who won't now, and that's ok. I am a lurker myself, but I always click on the "Follow" button, to make sure the blog owner knows they are read.

I still have Seam Rippers with LeLe, and I can post anything important there. But you know, there doesn't seem to be many folks reading that one either. And I think the ones who do, are more interested in LeLe. That's ok, I don't mind. I'm more interested in LeLe myself. ;)


LeLe said...

I don't think the ones who read Seam Rippers are any more interested in me than they are you. Before I got pregnant, I had a lull in the blog too. I hardly ever have creative blog posts. I really, honestly, blog more for myself than anyone else. I don't really care that much if 100s of people read it. It's more of a way for me to record what's going on in my life b/c I have a hard time journaling anymore. I guarantee if you posted notes on your Facebook account, more people would read and respond. Seems like no one wants to make an effort to go to different blogs anymore when you can import everything right there and have it show up in your feed. I have mine imported but only certain people can see what I wrote b/c I don't want everyone on my friend list to be able to read my innermost thoughts. People jump to conclusions and for some reason think that if you're on Facebook, you can make any sort of comment you won't without even thinking about how impolite it may sound.

Okay, I wrote a book. Sorry.

Y said...

I was here! I will get back! :)

B Lines said...

I had a third person raise her hand on facebook. So far, three are interested....

Lisa said...

I agree with LeLe...keep blogging but do it for you and feel no pressure.