Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Glimpse of the Past

Found this photo of LeLe and Chelle when they were little sweeties. Had to share.


LeLe said...

LOVE it! We were too cute.

Michelle said...

HAHAHAHA! I remember that bed! I remember being over at your house and spending the night with Lele, and seeing you reading a book on that bed--and you had on your red oversized jersey sleepshirt with yellow numbers on it. Why do I remember that? That was before you added on to the house, and your room was at the end of the hall, on the back side of the house. Ahh, memories!

Michelle said...

Oh-and the Raggedy Ann doll! Aaaah. Raggedy Ann and Andy. I remembert Bethany having them on her wall...haha

B Lines said...

The doll was Annie Mae. I believe the name was taken from an old song Grandma Willie used to sing. I don't remember any of it now, except "Annie Mae? Oh Annie Mae?" LeLe, do you remember it? Maybe I'm thinking of something else, and I just started calling it Annie Mae as a joke and it stuck in LeLe's heart.

That first doll was so well loved, that she wound up with very little hair and eyes so faded, she could no longer see. We lovingly laid her in a place of honor. (the cedar chest) Then Mammaw Peg gave her another. Wasn't quite the same though, was it LeLe?

Michelle said...

I was the baldest baby ever!

Alice said...

They are TOO cute for words!!!

Sooz said...

Cutie pies!

LeLe said...

Nope, I wanted old Annie Mae. I don't remember Grandma ever singing that song. I just knew my doll as Annie Mae. Much easier to say than Raggedy Ann and much prettier if I do say so myself.

Michelle said...

Everytime I look at me in that picture, I see my youngest boy!!! It's creeeepy how much he looks like me.

B Lines said...

I actually knew a girl in school named Annie Mae. She was a wee little thing.

LeLe said...

Look at how fine my hair was. It's still like that even though it's thick. It always throws off any hairdresser I go see.