Sunday, March 9, 2008

You've Got Mail

I love mail. Email, snail mail, instant messages, cards... I don't know why, but I always have. Maybe it's just feeling that someone out there is thinking about me enough to send me a note. Maybe it's boredom and lack of social life. Maybe it makes me feel like I get a little personal gift each time I receive something. What can I say? I'm just an email/mail junky. I have a few friends that I have been known to email every day and then some who I only email periodically, but I would email three or four times a day if I had a reason and the other person wanted to discuss a specific topic. I also bet, if I asked for a show of hands, of who in the past has regreted sending an email, most would say "Aye." I did that recently. As soon as I hit the send button, I began fretting over it. Not that I had said anything repugnant or negative, just that maybe I'd rambled on too much. It turned out fine in the end thank goodness.

Anybody else out there an email junky? I probably check my mail 15 or 20 times a day. Man, do I need to get a life or what!? ;)


LeLe said...

Yes, I check mine all the time in hopes that I have received a message from a friend or family member rather than a mailing list...

Sooz said...

I love mail especially snail mail.

Michelle said...

I love mail, too! It's fun. I don't know what it is about it, but it's like a present when I see a "real" email in my one that isn't a forwarded funny or something.

LeLe said...

Oh, Mom. Do you love the poems Aunt Bob writes you as much as other "snail" mail? Haha. Just had to ask...