Saturday, December 1, 2007

Que the Music....

Christmastime is here..... Happiness and cheer.... Ahhh It's Christmas Charlie Brown, THE best Christmas special ever recorded in history in my opinion. Unfortunately, SR is a Scrooge and I never watch it anymore. I'm posting the Christmas Opinion Pole that is making the rounds in my blog neighborhood.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Both. But there is just something special about having to tear paper off a box and open it.

2. Real tree or artificial? I'd like real, but they are a real mess to deal with, so I've started using prelit artificial.

3. When do you put up the tree? As soon as possible after Thanksgiving. This year it was the day after. I REFUSE to shop the day after Thanksgiving due to the crazy people and the traffic. It's rediculous!

4. When do you take the tree down? Usually the 26th. I like to get things all clean and bright for New Year's.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? I don't remember if it was for Christmas exactly, but probably was.... the year my Dad was in Vietnam he sent my sisters and me a beautiful oriental doll that revolved on a round music box. I still have it. One day, maybe I'll have a granddaughter who will want it.

7. Do you have a nativity scene? Currently I have two displayed, but I have had as many as 5 at one time. After all, that IS the point isn't it?

8. Hardest person to buy for. My in-laws. If they need it or want it, they buy it. How do you buy for someone like that?

9. Easiest person to buy for?
SR. He is satisfied with anything in the world. A pair of socks and a tee and he's good to go.

10. Worst Christmas? I can't remember a bad one, except maybe the year my dad was in Vietnam or the first Christmas after his passing.

11. Mail or email Holiday cards? I like the real thing. It's too easy and to impersonal to send email cards. Eventhough I have sent certain folks both.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? See first paragraph...

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Usually about August or September unless I see something perfect. This year I found something for someone back in May.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nah. I have purchased one for a specific person though, and kept it for the next year and given it to someone else.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? I love it all. (Too Much)

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? I prefer clear.

17. Favorite Christmas song? Breath of Heaven. But it's not Christmas yet, unless you've heard Sleigh Ride.

18. Travel for Christmas or stay at home? Both.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Can't everyone?

20. Angel on the tree top or a star? I've used both. Depends on my mood at the time of decoration shopping.

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Both. When the kids were little, we'd let them open their gift from us on Christmas Eve, but they had to wait till Christmas morning for Santa's gifts. When they got older, we just went ahead on Christmas Eve to keep me from going out of my mind with "Can we open our gifts?!!!)

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The traffic and the selfishness I've seen from time to time. I mean, if you have to push and shove someone to grab a gift, where is the Christmas spirit?

23. What I love most about Christmas? Celebrating Christ's birth by giving those I love gifts. I absolutely LOVE giving people presents. If I was rich, it would really be a problem.

SR is on vacation, so we drove over to Hot Springs to do a little Christmas shopping yesterday. I was able to find what I was looking for at the Mall, thank goodness but wished I'd had a bit more to spend at the time. He took me to my favorite restaurant, Red Lobster, and we had a great lunch. As soon as we left and made it to the next store, my stomach exploded. I was afraid I had caught some kind of virus. I tried to be a good little shopper and keep going, as SR had a specific place he wanted to shop, and I held out as long as I could. I finally had to tell him we had to go home. I was not happy, and didn't feel well at all the rest of the day, but at least I accomplished a bit before we had to high tail it home.

And I love it when you find what you want without really expecting to. I was in the local Pharmacy/Gift shop this morning and found EXACTLY what I wanted for my sisters. We give each other inexpensive gifts just for fun, and wonder of wonders, while I was waiting for a prescription, I found the perfect things. God is so good. ;)


LeLe said...

SISTER GIFTS! You have to call them by their appropriate name. You should really watch Charlie Brown. The opening song is one of my favorites. And I think you meant "Sleigh Ride" not "Sleigh Bells"--am I right? It's the ultimate Christmas shopping song. And your old man Andy's "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year."

Sooz said...

I love our local pharmacy/gift shop especially since the love of my life feels the need for excessive amounts of Razorback stuff. They always never fail to have something new with a Hog on it.
I watch Charlie Brown night before last and it so helps me get in the spirit. We finally got the lights on our house up even though our neighbors copy cat us from last year...oh well. I still think ours looks best..and yes its selfish. Haha! Love Christmas post!

B Lines said...

Oops, yes it's Sleigh Ride, I will edit that. And yes, you can't beat good ole Andy.

LC said...

Finally, another person who doesn't like to shop the day after Thanksgiving. Les and MJD came up here for Thanksgiving and Les offered to take me shopping for a purse (she and I both are purse fanatics), anyway, I turned her down because people are crazy on the day after Thanksgiving. If I turn down shopping for a purse, you know it has to be craziness at the mall!