Friday, December 6, 2013

Got Milk?

This time of year, every time the weather man mentions the word snow (or ice) the whole state begins to panic and make a bread and milk run to Walmart. When I lived in the north, people barely noticed the snow. Here, they freak out at the mention of it. It's so hilarious.

My husband was getting things together last night, in case it really did happen, and LMW grabbed one of the flashlights to play with. He insisted on getting inside my closet and closing the door.
Before I knew what was happening, all my shoes were scattered and the shelves taken apart and re-positioned.
I sat on the floor, with the doors closed and watched as he continued to move things around to suit him. He repeatedly mentioned, "Getting comfterbul", but I don't see how he could be in this mess. The child is definitely entertaining!

As for the snow and ice apocalypse....well, it seems to have arrived north of me. I'm still ok for the time being.  As a facebook friend mentioned, in my mind's eye, I can see people sitting around their fireplace with a glass of milk and a slice of bread, totally content. Got milk?


Vroomans' Quilts said...

This is too funny and I can relate as this happens with some of the 'new to the area' settlers - in a panic and off to buy the just in-case groceries. But stay to home and safe if things do develope.

Heather said...

Hi Belinda! My name is Heather and I wanted to know if you would be willing to answer a quick question regarding your blog! Please email me when you get a free moment at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)