Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Five

1. Rain Rain Rain. Where is Noah when you need him? The amount of rain this year has been unbelievable. I'm not complaining, just stating fact. The forecast looks to be awesome though, so there is hope!

2. My mother gave me a bucket load of fabric on Wednesday. She had two large rubber containers full of the stuff, and allowed me to go through it all and take what I wanted. Ya Hoo! I was afraid she would have some really lame prints, and she did have a few. But for the most part, they are all great for quilting and a couple of baby projects I have in mind. Thanks Ma!

3. I've really gotten excited about sewing and painting again. For the last couple or three weeks, I've been in a slump and not the happiest person in the world. I started trying to figure out how many Christmas gifts I could make, and the creativity began to pour. I have so many ideas in my head, there just isn't enough time to do them all. It's like my brain can't decide what to do first, and if I don't get it all done right away, I'll forget it.

4. My nephew got married last weekend. The wedding was short and sweet and very country. The bride wore old battered boots under her gown. Her toddler niece was pulled down the isle in a wagon. (very cute) The groom and groomsmen wore brown western shirts, wranglers and boots. No one was ushered in except the bride. No wedding march, just country music. Very unique.

5. The Christian mentoring program I have been participating in, is coming to a close. After the first couple of weeks, I could see it wasn't what I thought. I stuck with it, and it got easier, but still didn't seem like what I had expected. Yesterday was the next to last meeting with my mentor and I realized how good it really was for me. No, it wasn't what I'd wanted, but I made a great friend I wouldn't otherwise have made. She and I agreed that it really didn't turn out she was a mentor and I a mentee. It was more like we mentored each other. And that's fine. At this point, I don't feel I need mentoring, but am not ready to be a mentor either. I'll see how it plays out and if the program continues after the first of the year.


Lisa said...

Mom and dad went to a yard sale and bought me a box of fabric a while back. I haven't done anything with it except make my nephew a nightmare monster.

I did Friday Five but it is different than yours. I got mine off Multiply.
That wedding sounds like it was really cool. I love it when people put their own touch on it and change it up from the norm.

Guess you heard wartmart in PB got hit last night. Glad I was in Herbine!

B Lines said...

I didn't really think about Friday Five being somewhere else. It just came to me to do it and so I did. I could have written more, but Friday six or seven just doesn't have the same ring to it...

Yeah I heard about PB. Glad you were safe in Herbine. I was in Sheridan, and they kept saying it was coming my way, but I didn't worry. Storms don't really scare me much. No way to control them, so why worry about it?

What is a nightmare monster?