Saturday, March 21, 2009

Design Issues

We've decided to take out the old ugly lava rock from our flower beds in front, and replace it with plants and ground cover. I've never been very good at designing gardens, I always just went with what I had at the time and made do. These are the two areas we will be working on.

We are leaving the azaleas and the cedar trees. And I have been thinking I would add a few hosta plants to the higher bed, along with some seasonal bedding plants and a ground cover. For the lower bed, I don't have a clue, except for some ground cover. We don't want to use cedar or wood mulch due to the fear of attracting termites. We already fight fire ants on a daily basis.

If this was your yard, what would you do??? Advice and suggestions coveted.


Les said...

I so impressed with your knowledge of plants/flowers! Unfortunately, I have no good suggestions. The only thing I would suggest is to go to Lowes and get a garden design book.

LC said...

How Les and I both turned out not knowing anything about plants, I will never know. The Cash's must be so ashamed!! I have no suggestions, but I know that you are too creative and you'll do something great! When you're finished you can come plant things with Rylee...she loves flowers!

Y said...

Lots of monkey grass, the kind that blooms. Later when the azaleas get bigger the monkey grass wil be like a mulch/ground cover in the lower bed??? I dunno. That's a toughie for me without mulch. Your foundation looks to be plenty high enough not to worry about termites even with mulch. BIG pine bark is good. Critters don't like it, if I remember correctly.

Sooz said...

Richard and I just put out some flowery bush called "Pizzazz"..I'm postive it has a more technical word, but its really pretty and I see it all over town lately. Hot Pink buds on them and the leaves stay a pretty purplish color.

B Lines said...

Hmmm, thanks everyone. I'm still thinking. The monkey grass sounds like a good thing to put where the water hits. I've been told that is good for places such as that. I looked at some ground covers today but couldn't make a decision. I am going to get some Hosta though. I looked at it again today and I've always loved it for some reason. Problem is... rain, rain and more rain this week. So, I must wait a little longer....

Sooz said...

I love bright and pretty just about anywhere. I so wish the weather would get better!